Daily thoughts about the scriptures of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Posts. Showing posts from November, 2020 Show all. November 30, 2020. Commercial and Office Architecture. Office Building Architecture. The arrival of a messenger who heralds an era of prolonged peace and equality may be one of the only events in the Book of Mormon attested to by external sources. In Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) traditions, the Peacemaker and the Mother of Nations. 1 Now I, Moroni, after having made an end of abridging the account of the people of Jared, I had supposed a not to have written more, but I have not as yet perished; and I make not myself known to the Lamanites lest they should destroy me. The 40 Scriptures Given Joseph Smith by Moroni at Rosh Hashanah, the Fall equinox of 1823, the first of seven consecutive visits to the Prophet Joseph on this specific Hebrew Holy Day tied to Repentance The Angel Moroni appears to have quoted forty scriptures to.
You may have heard people reference the 'Mormon Bible' and assumed that was the Book of Mormon. In reality, the Mormon Bible is the King James translation of the Holy Bible—the same translation used by millions of other people.
Mormon is a nickname for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Mormons are Christians, but are not Protestant or Catholic. They are a restoration of New Testament teachings. However, they use the King James Bible, which is commonly used by Protestants. There is a Mormon version of the Bible, but the text is from the King James translation with no alterations. The chapter summaries, footnotes, and study materials are unique, but those are not part of the original Bible.
Mormons accept the Bible as the word of God as far as it is translated correctly. This caution is natural since there are many, many different translations of the Bible, all differing in sometimes significant ways. Mormons believe the original documents were perfect as they were first written, but that it is possible for translation and copy errors to creep in over the years.
In addition to the Bible, Mormons accept the Book of Mormon. This book is a record of the visit of the Lord Jesus Christ, after His death and resurrection, to what is today known as the Americas. This visit demonstrates that Jesus Christ is the Savior of all the world, not just a small group of people. It also proves without question that the Savior is divine, since He appeared after he died and to a group of people who knew of Him despite living far away without communication with the Holy Lands. Only through the work of prophets could they have known about Jesus Christ.
It is interesting to note that it is impossible to believe in the Book of Mormon without accepting both the divinity of Jesus Christ and the truthfulness of the Bible. The Book of Mormon was written by prophets. The first prophet came to the Americas around 600 BC with his family and several other people. Each prophet handed the book down to the next prophet or a ruler before he died, creating a unified document. This document was abridged by the last two prophets of the civilization that developed. The first prophet, Lehi, had portions of the Bible with him when he came to the new world and taught from it, as did future prophets. The people of this civilization, known as the Nephites, were familiar with Biblical literature and the prophets often quoted from this literature in their sermons, particularly Isaiah, which the second prophet was especially fond of.
Mormons also use two additional books of scripture. The Doctrine and Covenants contains the modern revelations and history of the church. The Pearl of Great Price contains a variety of documents of both ancient and modern origin.
These four books, combined with the teachings of modern prophets, make up the canonized scriptures of the Mormons. Mormons study the four books of scripture over a four year period. Two years are devote to the Bible. The Book of Mormon receives one year and the Doctrine and Covenants receives one year. The Pear of Great Price is studied wherever specific portions fit in, since it is a combination of ancient and modern scripture. Everyone ages eight and older studies in this pattern during Sunday School or the children's Primary. Younger children follow a different schedule.
Teens and college students take additional training each year in the books, but on a different schedule from the Sunday School. Teenagers meet daily in most places, usually before school, to study an additional four year rotation of these books in more depth. College students attend a program called Institute of Religion, held on or near college campuses, and take college level courses on the scriptures.
Reinstall audio output device. The intensity of this study is why Mormons scored higher on a test of Bible knowledge than other faiths.
The Writings Of Moronirejected Scriptures Fulfilled
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by David Padfield
'The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ is regarded as divinely inspired scripture, as is the Holy Bible. Both volumes are used by Latter-day Saints side by side. Other writings accepted as scripture are the Doctrine and Covenants, a compilation of revelations and writings given since the restoration of the Church began, and the Pearl of Great Price, a selection from the revelations, translations and writings of Joseph Smith.' ('Core Beliefs and Doctrines,' www.lds.org).'We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God' (Articles Of Faith, #8).
While Mormon elders will make great claims about their respect for the Bible, in reality they have very little respect for it. They will tell prospects that a great deal of the Bible has been lost and the rest is the object of bad translation. Orson Pratt, an early Mormon leader, said: 'All therefore, is uncertainty as to the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts of the Old Testament; they can be proved to be changed, added unto and corrupted in almost every text .. Who knows that even one verse of the whole Bible has escaped pollution, so as to convey the same sense now that it did in the original' (Orson Pratts Works, pp. 217-218).
The Book Of Mormon
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by David Padfield
'The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ is regarded as divinely inspired scripture, as is the Holy Bible. Both volumes are used by Latter-day Saints side by side. Other writings accepted as scripture are the Doctrine and Covenants, a compilation of revelations and writings given since the restoration of the Church began, and the Pearl of Great Price, a selection from the revelations, translations and writings of Joseph Smith.' ('Core Beliefs and Doctrines,' www.lds.org).'We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God' (Articles Of Faith, #8).
While Mormon elders will make great claims about their respect for the Bible, in reality they have very little respect for it. They will tell prospects that a great deal of the Bible has been lost and the rest is the object of bad translation. Orson Pratt, an early Mormon leader, said: 'All therefore, is uncertainty as to the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts of the Old Testament; they can be proved to be changed, added unto and corrupted in almost every text .. Who knows that even one verse of the whole Bible has escaped pollution, so as to convey the same sense now that it did in the original' (Orson Pratts Works, pp. 217-218).
The Book Of Mormon
The Book of Mormon claims to tell of Christ's appearance to American Indians after His resurrection. The apostle Paul did not mention this appearance of Christ in America as he recounts our Lord's post-resurrection appearances (1 Cor. 15:4-8).
The Book of Mormon was supposedly written in the 'reformed Egyptian tongue' and translated with aid of two miraculous stones. There is something very strange about the Book of Mormon. The Golden Plates, from which the Book of Mormon was supposedly translated, were, according to Mormons, written prior to the 1st century, and yet one-eighteenth of the Book of Mormon is identical, word for word, to the 1611 King James Version of the Bible—1 Corinthians 13 and Isaiah 53 are quoted in full! They even quote words in italics that were supplied by the translators. In the KJV Bible the words in italics are words that are supplied by the translators and are not in the original text.
How is it that the Book of Mormon which they claim predates the KJV by 1500 years, could have precisely the same language word for word? Another strange thing: why are there no quotations from the New King James Version, or the American Standard Version, or any other modern English translation? Could it be that since those translations had not yet been made, Smith could not copy them?
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Nearly 4,000 changes in the book have been made since the 1830 edition. These 4,000 changes represent a staggering embarrassment to the claim of Mormon inspiration. Do the Mormons claim that God made 4,000 mistakes when helping Joseph Smith translate the Book of Mormon? These errors are not merely typographical errors—they are errors in grammar and even some contradictions.
According to Joseph Smith's testimony there should have not been any reason to make changes in the Book of Mormon. He stated that when he and his 'witnesses' went out to pray concerning it, a voice spoke to them from heaven telling them the translation of the Book of Mormon was correct. '..We heard a voice from out of the bright light above us, saying, 'These plates have been revealed by the power of God, and they have been translated by the power of God. The translation of them which you have seen is correct, and I command you to bear record of what you now see and hear.' (Joseph Smith, History of the Church, Vol. 1, pp. 54-55). These 4,000 changes were not just grammatical, but changes of names and events, such as Mosiah 21:28, where in the 1830 edition the name of the king was 'Benjamin,' but in the modern editions the name is 'Mosiah.'
A subtitle was added to the Book of Mormon in 1982: 'Another Testament Of Jesus Christ.' We all realize that in law, only the last will is binding. Once the testator dies, there cannot be another testament (Heb. 9:16). Offering 'Another Testament of Jesus Christ' declares that the blood of Christ is void (cf. Gal. 1:8-9).
Compare the Book of Mormon with the Bible:
- The Book of Mormon says that Christ was born in Jerusalem (Alma 7:10); the Bible teaches He was born at Bethlehem (Micah 5:2; Matt. 2:1).
- The Book of Mormon says there was darkness over the earth for three days (Helaman 14:20, 27); the Bible says it was three hours (Luke 23:44).
- The Book of Mormon says the church began in 147 B.C. (footnote at Mosiah 18:17); the Bible teaches it was between 29 and 33 A.D. (Acts 2).
- The Book of Mormon says believers were called 'Christians' in 73 B.C. (footnote at Alma 46:14); the Bible says it was at Antioch, around 41 A.D. (Acts 11:26).
- The Book of Mormon has people acting in the 'name of Christ' hundreds of years before He was born (2 Nephi 31:13, 559 B.C.; Jacob 4:6, 540 B.C.); the Bible teaches otherwise (John 16:24; Luke 24:27).
The Writings Of Moronirejected Scriptures Study
Notice some of the cardinal doctrines of the LDS church which are not even found in the Book of Mormon:
- God has a body of flesh and bones
- God is an exalted man (D and C, 130:22)
- God is the product of eternal progression
- Men can become gods
- Marriage is for eternity
- New Testament era 'Melchizedek priesthood' with offices of Elder, Seventy, and High Priest
- New Testament era 'Aaronic Priesthood' with offices of Deacon, Teacher and Priest
- A church organization with Stakes and Wards, a First Presidency and President of the church
- Baptism for the dead and a second chance for salvation after death
All of these doctrines required 'additional revelation.'
Where are we after 150 years of examining the Book of Mormon? No city peculiar to the Book of Mormon has ever been located. No names peculiar to the Book of Mormon has ever been found in New World inscriptions. No genuine inscriptions have ever been found in Egyptian or anything similar which could correspond to the 'reformed Egyptian tongue.' No ancient copies of the Book of Mormon have ever been found. No mention of people, nations or places peculiar to the Book of Mormon have ever been found.
In short, there is not one iota of evidence from archaeology that can provide evidence for the truth of the Book of Mormon! This is in marked contrast to the Bible, the accuracy of which has been supported in thousands of ways by archaeological research.
Other Articles In This Series On Mormonism:
- The Bible Or The Book Of Mormon?
- The Truth About Mormonism, the largest of all American cults, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormons) has grown to a worldwide membership of over 11 million people—yet it began in 1830 with just six members. This sixteen page booklet contains two sermon outlines on this cult (PDF file size: 264k).
- Also, you can listen to David Padfield and Mormon elder Paul Meade debate the 'Inspiration of the Book of Mormon.' This debate on Mormonism is available as an MP3 file from this website.